Emerging trends 2023 include difficulty in reaining employees and recruiting qualified dreamstime xxl 216287965 Pivotal HR Solutions Blog

Top 11 HR trends for 2022-23 and how HR managers are adapting to the new workplace reality

The workplace has evolved in ways that have sent ripples across the HR community. Spiralling inflation, the lingering impact of the pandemic, and unsettling world events are foundational factors in the latest 10 HR Trends going into 2023.

These difficult world events led to supply chain issues, labour shortages, and a change in people’s priorities – all of which mean that HR departments and managers are focused on the emerging trends to keep up with in the workplace.

Here are some of those trends that are important for 2022-23.

  1. Flexibility and remote working

The biggest, most widespread, and most noticeable change in the workplace during the pandemic was the shift to working remotely (where possible). Meetings became Zoom group calls, workplace chat became private Slack messages, and looking for a specific person in a different department became looking through a list of email contacts.

The capability to work online has revolutionized the way people approach their work. Since more time was being spent at home, people connected with their families more, didn’t have to commute, and enjoyed an overall healthier work-life balance. With the option of working entirely remotely it also became easier to hire qualified prospects — even employees in the different region or country. The talent pool suddenly widened significantly — important given the difficult trend of  job vacancies in Canada — over 1 million in 3rd quarter, 2022. [See this feature for more>>]


What else can be done to retain employees dreamstime l 174324065 Pivotal HR Solutions Blog
Flexible work arrangements and remote work or flex hours is a leading HR trend.


This became the new norm as many employees weren’t interested in going back to working physically. However, working completely remotely isn’t always viable for new hires as they can struggle to integrate into a company. There is also difficulty in keeping company culture alive, and some jobs are simply best done (or require) employees to show up in person.

At the end of the day, businesses must choose what suits them and their employees best. Usually, this is some form of compromise, such as 2 days of in-person work and 3 days of remote working. Whatever the case, HR departments must take note of what employees prefer as well as what will be best for the company overall.

Do you need help managing any of these key trends for 2022 and 2023. Contact the experts at Pivotal>>

Sleeping at desk Pivotal HR Solutions Blog
Over work is a health risk to team members — but increasingly HR Managers are focusing on “employee wellbeing.”


  1. A focus on employee wellbeing

The phenomenon known as The Great Resignation came about around March 2021, where a massive number of employees were quitting their jobs. This was mostly due to feeling underappreciated, burnt out, and spread far too thin.

People had been experiencing high levels of stress from the uncertainty and fear around world events, high inflation and increased cost-of-living, COVID-19 and the constantly changing rules were making life feel incredibly shaky. This came in combination with the inability to go about normal life and enjoy normal things, being unable to leave the house most of the time, and oftentimes being either crushed by loneliness or driven mad by others in the house.

This meant that people couldn’t and wouldn’t take being treated poorly at work. They had no patience to withstand toxic, inflexible, or uncaring workplaces, and so they began resigning.

Now, workplaces better understand the new needs of employees. They’ve changed workplace policies and culture to focus more on the wellbeing of employees so that employees receive the care and support that they deserve. The importance of doing so cannot be understated as employees are the heart of a company – their success is the company’s.

Anxiety with many faces mental health stress Pivotal HR Solutions Blog
Anxiety in the workplace is costly — and the trend is growing. Increasing, HR Managers are working on reducing mental health issues such as anxiety with mental health support.


  1. Mental health support

Mental health took a steep dive in 2022 — and will continue well into 2023. World events such as war increased stress, out-of-control inflation made budgets difficult to manage, and the earlier pandemic changed lifestyles for many, with people locked inside their houses, a pause on socializing, and rampant fear and paranoia. People gained weight, grew despondent, and felt stifled and anxious.

Adjusting to the new normal deeply affected how people functioned. They processed time differently, had shorter attention spans, found that their memory was poorer, and had higher levels of anxiety and depression.

Workplaces responded by putting measures in place to provide just that, such as a list of approved healthcare providers, subsidies on medication and therapy, access to counselling and other mental health information, and more.

This is just another way that workplaces can support their workers in 2022-23.


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A growing culture of “respect and recognition” is recognized as a mandatory minimum accommodation to new trends — including increased salary, positive reviews, promotions and other forms or recognition.
  1. Respect and recognition

One of the most important aspects of the current ideal workplace is a culture of respect and recognition. Employees need to feel that the quality work they put out is appreciated, another thing that was missing during The Great Resignation.

Workplaces have realized that when employees feel respected and recognized for the hard work and dedication that they put into their company, they will continue to want to do their best for the company.

Building a culture of recognition starts with leaders and trickles down the levels of the organization. The result is a company where everyone can give each other the respect and recognition that they deserve.


DEI Diversity Equity Inclusion dreamstime l 228283451 Pivotal HR Solutions Blog
Diversity Equity Inclusion are not just buzzwords — they’re vital to retain team-members in the face of new trends.


  1. The need for equity, inclusion, diversity, and a sense of belonging

As globalization continues to grow, communities expand across their old confines. Workplaces can enjoy a more diverse selection of talent, that aren’t just qualified for their roles but are from different backgrounds and contexts and therefore provide businesses with new insights, methods, and ideas.

 Organizations need to embrace diversity and ensure that the workplace is a safe space for all employees regardless of their sociocultural and geopolitical factors.

It’s key that organizations focus on equity, inclusion, diversity, and a sense of belonging for their employees so that they can enjoy an optimal working environment and produce high quality results. This is a sure-fire way to success.

Remote Management position a new role in many companies Pivotal HR Solutions Blog
The need to provide remote working solutions has also increased the “digital transformation” of companies, particularly in the face of increased security needs.


  1. Digital transformation

With many aspects of work shifting online, HR departments have to adapt. From remote working to new systems of data-logging, workplaces are undergoing a digital transformation.

This shift has been coming for a while and isn’t going anywhere, so not only must HR departments be keyed into these changes, but they must know the new digital systems and aspects well enough to solve any problems that employees might have. They must also be able to leverage this tech different situations.


  1. Cybersecurity

Along with digital transformation comes the need for enhanced cybersecurity measures. HR departments must ensure that they understand how to secure their own data and that of the company and its other employees as well as help employees with any issues that come up.


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  1. Decisions driven by data

It’s difficult to implement analytics in HR departments, but understanding data and using it correctly is one of the most impactful things that an organization can do.

Collecting data must be done regularly, and in ways that make the most sense depending on what the data is. Departments should take care to collect both qualitative and quantitative data and make the best use of it to affect change.


Training and development dreamstime l 45807342 Pivotal HR Solutions Blog
Upskilling, including employee training and development are critical.


  1. Upskilling

Now more than ever, skills and skill levels are critical in determining how people are rewarded. Upskilling employees means that they can progress further in their current careers or branch out in the company to other roles or fields.

Reskilling and upskilling allows employees to avoid stagnation and remain motivated while also providing many other benefits to the company at which they work. Motivated employees are more productive, effective, and efficacious. With new skills, they can accomplish tasks for the company that they couldn’t before.


Retain employees train reward Pivotal HR Solutions Blog
Retention of employees increasingly demands  the potential reward of “career progress”
  1. Options for career progress

Career progress comes hand in hand with upskilling. Employees must never be made to feel like they will be or have been stuck in the same role forever. To an employee, this treatment can seem like the company in question doesn’t appreciate their contribution, or that the employee is simply not good enough to progress in the company. This leads to poor motivation, burnout, stress, and sometimes even resignation.

Instead, with constant options for progress, employees can grow in their career as well as their personal life. They can learn new skills, take on new responsibilities, and contribute to the company in different ways that suit their rank and experience.


  1. A new hiring process

The new hiring process must reflect the shift in candidate priorities and be able to effectively communicate what a company can offer candidates. It must also be able to find suitable candidates amidst labour shortages and a looming economic issues.

The hiring process, especially for small to medium-sized businesses, has long relied on referrals and small-scale networking — which will be insufficient in the face of the emerging trends.

The easiest ways to improve the hiring process are:

  1. Outsource some or all HR functions.
  2. Consult with HR experts on best practices for improving the processes.
  3. Work within the constraints of internal HR teams to rebuild the processes.

Keeping up with trends — ask the experts at Pivotal

Businesses, HR Managers are turning to outsourced solutions to manage the changing trends.

Pivotal HR Solutions is a leader in HR company solutions since 1981. We’ve helped companies fill tens of thousands of permanent positions and countless temporary positions. Our HR Management teams can effectively manage any size portfolio. Our Payroll experts can help you manage important benefits and salaries.

Our experts can help manage the recruiting process in the face of a dynamic and increasingly difficult HR challenges. To find out more, contact the experts at Pivotal:

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