10 Things That Will Make Your Employees Jump Ship
A recent survey of over 1800 respondents highlighted a serious disconnect between employers and employees, identifying a significant difference between the factors which each group believe to be significant when voluntary resignations take place.
Factors identified in the survey are also in line with what I hear from individuals when they voluntarily leave an organization:
Pay and Benefits
Benchmark competitors and join a pay club to keep abreast of what is being offered in the local area or industry sector.
Management and Leadership Style
“I can’t remember what he said but I can remember how he made me feel” or a similar expression is an increasingly common point of view.
Geographic Location
Organizations based in suburbs, without a free car park, away from public transit or some distance from bars where friends gather after work struggle to retain the best people.
Working Hours and Work-Life Balance
Employers who insist on long working hours, especially where there is no flexibility or working remotely options tend to have higher than ideal levels of staff turnover.
Stress and Health Issues
Exceptionally stressful workplaces turn people off, compounded where there are no health and well-being initiatives in place.
Cultures may alter following a merger or acquisition, whilst individuals suited to a specific culture may change as they start a family; begin looking after aging parents etc.
Career Advancement and Promotion
Forward-thinking organizations recognize that huge benefits result from promoting from within and provide opportunities to ambitious individuals to test themselves at an early stage.
Corporate Social Responsibility, Environment and Ethics
Employers that don’t embrace a green approach and operate in an unethical way typically struggle to keep hold of their key talent.
Honesty, Trust and Integrity
Deceitful communication and broken promises engender an atmosphere of negativity where good people walk away.
Engagement, Morale and Motivation
Low productivity and poor customer service often results from low levels of engagement, morale and motivation and leads to voluntary attrition where employees become disenchanted.
This is a guest post by Timothy Holden, Founder of Toronto Training and HR, a provider of HR Consulting and Training services. Timothy is a regular contributor to Pivotal Post and has written popular articles such as 7 Signs Your Employees May Be About To Quit and 10 Hidden Return-On-Investments (ROIs) HR Delivers.