Why Having a Recruiting Agency as Part of Your Hiring Process Is So Valuable
In business, you know that time is one of your most important assets. There are a lot of tasks that, while related to your job, aren’t your primary focus. All of those tasks are necessary, but they do consume time and energy that could be spent on more profitable pursuits. Adding value to your business can be as simple as finding somebody trustworthy to handle those tasks. When it comes to the time and effort involved in the hiring process, partnering with a recruiting agency is a great way to save time and gain value.
High Effort, Low Return
The hiring process is a time-intensive process, with a low return for the effort. Typically, you’re looking to fill a single position within your company. However, you’re not likely to strike gold on the first attempt. You may interview dozens of candidates, perform dozens of pre-employment screens, and talk to dozens of references. As the hours pile up, you’re still only looking for one candidate. Between advertising, interviews, background checks, and testing, you could have a small fortune invested before you even fill the position. And, if the candidate you choose doesn’t work out, you’re right back to square one. You get to repeat part or all of the process, investing even more time and money in the hope that it will yield a qualified candidate. At the end of the day, the time and effort spent to fill a single position draws focus away from your critical business responsibilities, and offers no guarantee of a successful outcome.
No Effort, Guaranteed Return
With a qualified recruiting agency, you get a no-hassle hiring process that will save you time and money. The recruiting agency handles the advertising, recruiting, and pre-employment testing. All that’s left for you to do is choose your favourite candidate. This streamlined process allows you to sidestep all of the time that is usually spent eliminating candidates, instead of hiring them. The recruiting agency provides you with a select pool of highly qualified candidates who already meet or exceed your requirements. The only task left for you is to choose the candidate who you believe will fit best into your corporate environment. You can re-focus dozens, or even hundreds, of hours that are typically spent trying to find the perfect candidate.
Nobody’s Perfect
A recruiting agency is a professional candidate hunter and interviewer. They handle hundreds, or even thousands, of candidates every year. They build their success on being able to separate the wheat from the chaff. Yet, in spite of all their experience and expertise, even the best recruiting agency can’t guarantee that every candidate will work out every time. What happens if you, or the candidate, decide that things just aren’t working out?
Well, if you handled the hiring yourself, you go back to the hiring process. You probably start with the pool of candidates you spent so much time and effort to compile, hoping that one of your second choices is still available. If none of them is interested, you go back farther in the process. Eventually, you may find yourself starting over from scratch.
If you partnered with a recruiting agency, you pick up the phone and call them. Then you go about your business while they find you another qualified candidate. With their constantly updated pool of qualified applicants, a recruiting agency never has to go back to square one. They focus on the vetting and hiring process, so you can focus on the tasks that are critical to your business. If time is money, then a recruiting agency is an extremely valuable partner.