The Importance of Updating your Candidate Pool
For some companies, bringing on a new employee is an occasional task that is only done when an existing employee is promoted or moves on, or when a new position is created. For others, however, the hiring process is continual. Whether this is due to seasonal work, temporary projects, or entry-level positions with a high turnover rate, having a bank of candidates ready at all times can help the process along. In order for this to be effective, the applicant pool must always be up-to-date.
Up-to-Date Candidate Pools Save You Time
When people are looking for a job, they tend to apply to several jobs before finding the right one. One expert suggests that applicants apply for at least one job every day, two if they can manage it. Over the course of a month, this can lead to over 60 open applications per person. If your company frequently has open positions, chances are your candidate pool is filled with people who have applied to many other jobs.
After a few weeks, it is also likely that many of them have received and accepted an offer. If you are not taking the time to keep your candidate pool up-to-date, you may have to spend a great deal of time sifting through out-dated applications when it is time for a round of interviews.
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Finding the Best Candidates
Keeping your candidate pool up-to-date also means keeping the applications and resumes coming in on a regular basis so that you have a complete list of who is interested in your positions. If you are sticking to an old stack of applications, you could be missing out on a great hire who was not on the market for a job the last time you collected applications. In addition to weeding out out-dated applications, it is also important to refresh the collection on a regular basis.
Get Help When You Need It
Not all hiring managers have the time or the resources to dedicate this much effort to culling their candidate pools. Professional recruiting services can help alleviate the burden of keeping an active candidate pool because they have specialists that are dedicated to this task all day, every day. Professional recruiters maintain pools of candidates that are open to several positions and stay in contact with each person on a regular basis to keep track of their employment status.
When a candidate secures a job, the recruiter will know about it and can remove them from the active pool right away. They are also continually accepting applications and resumes from people whether they have a particular position in mind or not. This means that when you have a position available, there is already a bank of candidates who you can consider for the role before needing to advertise or otherwise open the position up to the public.
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