How A Recruiting Firm Can Help You Better Manage Staff Turnover

A high employee turnover rate can have an adverse effect on your company. So what can help you to prevent your company from becoming a revolving door? Using a recruiting agency can help in implementing an effective retention strategy.

Let’s look at three ways a recruiting agency can help you to better manage staff turnover:

  1. Oversee the recruiting process
  2. Provide market intelligence
  3. Helps maintain high employee morale

Oversee the Recruiting Process

There are many advantages to having a recruiting firm oversee the hiring process.  Not only does it save you time and money, but it also can help lower your turnover rate.  If your agency understands your industry and understands the needs of your company, then they will already have a data base of appropriate candidates to source and present to you.

Consider the following ways that a recruiting firm helps with the recruiting process:


  • Sources candidates
  • Conducts interviews to select the most suited candidates
  • Conducts Reference/Background checks


During this screening process the recruiting agency knows what questions to ask. Also, through the screening process they can assist in some of the training.  By making sure that potential applicants are the right fit for your company will increase your staff retention rate.

Provide Market Intelligence

Another way that a recruiting firm can help manage staff turnover is that they provide essential insider info. If your agency has industry experience then they will have knowledge about issues that can be difficult for you to otherwise obtain:


  • Standard wages/benefits within your industry
  • Availability of job candidates


Having knowledge of both these points can be helpful in developing an effective retention strategy. You will be able to offer competitive wages and if there is a position which is being particularly sought after, then you will certainly want to offer the necessary wages and incentives to attract and retain talented employees.

Helps Maintain High Employee Morale

Working for a company with a high turnover rate can be very demoralizing for your employees.  If your employees have to pick up the slack because you are stuck with workers that cannot carry their load, this can also raise productivity issues. By using a recruiting firm that knows your company’s needs you will find those workers which will fit in with your company culture. This will make for an enjoyable work environment and if your employees are happy they are more likely to stick around.

By overseeing the recruiting process, providing you with market intelligence and helping improve employee morale, your recruiting firm can help you implement a successful retention strategy.

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