Career Section on Your Website is a Must

Even if you are a small company and are not hiring, a Career Section on your website is a must.  Career sections are one of the most visited pages for many companies.  It is a very effective tool used to communicate to potential and current employees the culture of the company, management style, working environment, compensation and benefits offered. Besides including postings of current job vacancies in your company, you should also consider including the following in your career section:

Company Bio, Commitment, and Vision

A brief description of what your company is about, your main commitments and vision can offer a potential employee a much better idea of what the company culture and work environment is like. This section could also briefly address the company’s Compensation Philosophy (ie. competitive wages, incentives, benefits, flexible work schedules).

‘Our People’ Section

This section can help answer the questions ‘What are we looking for in an ideal employee?’ and ‘What makes our employees successful?’ A brief description outlining the core values and competencies of ‘your people’ can help a potential employee determine if they are the right ‘fit’ for the company. Employee Bios can also be included in this section to highlight one or several of your employee’s. These Bio’s could include a picture, brief bio (including education, current position, career progression, opportunities they have had at your company), and a short quote of the employee describing why they like working at your company.

Consider a Management Page

This will allow visitors to get a sincere sense of what management is all about.  You may want to include pictures of individuals with a brief bio, i.e. position held, length of employment and perhaps the best reason to work for the company.

Career Paths

This section can highlight all of the departments or ‘career paths’ available within your company (ie. Customer Service, Sales, HR, IT) and should describe what opportunities and roles are available within these career paths and the general skills and competencies required.

Career section of your website can become a very effective recruitment tool if constructed and utilized correctly. Spending the time to build a comprehensive careers section will allow potential employee’s to better assess whether they are the right ‘fit’ not just the job but for your company as a whole. This should increase the quality of applicants you receive and lead to more effective recruitment.

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