Inter-Company Transfers (Changes to Program)
In the past, organizations have been able to transfer employees with specialized knowledge to their Canadian entity with minimal resistance. However, the Government of Canada has recently announced significant changes to the Specialized Knowledge stream of the Intra-Company Transfer program. Employees seeking transfer to Canada under this stream will need to meet more stringent requirements in order to receive a temporary work permit.
The ICT program is broken down into three separate streams
- Executive
- Senior Management
- Specialized Knowledge
Both of the major changes that have occurred fall within the Specialized Knowledge stream.
- Knowledge Requirements Increased
- Advanced Proprietary Knowledge
oApplicants must demonstrate that they know company information that is deemed proprietary by that company.
- Advanced Level of Expertise
oApplicants must demonstrate that their professional knowledge is higher and more specific than the average worker in their field.
oThis knowledge should be advanced enough so that is cannot be easily transferred to another worker in their occupation.
oPreviously, proprietary knowledge was not a requirement, and ICT applicants could meet eligibility requirements by possessing an advanced level of expertise alone.
- Increased Wage Requirements
- Stricter Salary Requirements
oWorkers must be offered a salary in Canada that meets or exceeds the ‘prevailing wage’ for their occupation
oGiven the fact that these individuals possess highly specialized knowledge, they are likely to possess an ‘above average salary’ when compared to Canadian workers in similar occupations
Organizations need to ensure they have gathered all of the information they need and are able to prove the new standards for knowledge requirements and increased wage requirements. Individuals should also know that there are alternative routes for skilled workers to come work in Canada.
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