The Top 3 Myths About Temp Staffing
If enough people repeat a falsehood, the majority of people will assume it must be true. That is the case with myths about temp staffing. This is a good thing to keep in mind when doing your research in connection with selecting a temp agency. When talking to colleagues, friends, relatives and even doing a search on the internet you can be presented with info that is outdated and inaccurate. It is important that you consider the source.
It would be a shame to miss out on the considerable benefits of using a temp agency just simply because you bought into the myths like:
- Temp workers are unskilled
- Temps cannot find a “real” job
- Using a temp staffing agency represents a low return on investment (ROI)
1. Temp Workers Are Unskilled
The idea that temp workers lack the skills of permanent staff is erroneous on many levels. If you select a reputable temp staffing agency you will be provided with workers who have the necessary skills and training to seamlessly fill whatever position you are looking for.
Temps quite often will have extensive work experience and have an impressive education background. The fact they are temps is not a reflection of their skill level. In many cases companies would consider them to be sought after and they could easily find permanent employment. This takes us to our next myth.
2. Temps Cannot Find a “Real” Job
One fallacy in connection with temp staffing is that by using temps you are getting stuck with someone else’s leftovers. People wrongly assume that temp workers are temps because they are unable to hold on to a stable job. They wrongly assume that they do not have the education, experience, training or work ethic to hold down a “real” job.
There are a number of reasons why an individual may choose to pursue temp work, including:
- They like the variety that temp work provides
- Are in the process of continuing their education
- Have family responsibilities to look after
- Are transitioning into retirement
With each of these reasons, we can see that people select temping as an option because of how it fits with their lifestyle. It is good to keep this fact in mind in connection with temp staffing.
3. Using a Temp Staffing Agency Represents a Low Return on Investment (ROI)
In business ROI is important. One common myth about using a temp staffing agency is that you are getting little value for a high cost. That simply is not true.
When faced with a staffing shortage there are a number of benefits which comes from using a temp staffing agency. They include the following:
- Cuts down on the cost of paying overtime
- Increases productivity (tired workers are more likely to make mistakes)
- Improves employee morale (overworked employees can become irritable and bitter)
Also in connection with temp staffing, there is good reason why it is the course of wisdom to use a temp agency. They look after the advertising, interviewing, screening and training for you. This saves you both time and money. When hiring someone just for a few shifts it may not be feasible to engage in the hiring process. By dismissing these 3 myths we can see that temp staffing represents a substantial ROI.