Unemployment Rate Edges Higher to 6.1% in March

Canada’s unemployment rate rose 0.3% in March, reaching 6.1%. While the increase is relatively small, a more meaningful — and disconcerting for job seekers and those whose current job is temporary or tenuous — insight is that the unemployment rate increased a full 1% on a year-over-year basis. Sectoral Employment […]

Budget 2024: Government Announces Plans to Introduce “Right to Disconnect” Legislation

In its 2024 budget that was tabled in the House of Commons on March 16, the government of Canada signaled that it would introduce legislation that would give some workers a better shot at achieving an elusive work-life balance. Proposed Right to Disconnect Legislation If passed, the legislation would amend […]

Recruiting High-Quality Talent in Rural and Remote Areas of Canada

Attracting both permanent and temporary staff to rural and remote areas of Canada presents a unique set of challenges. While the closeness to nature, lower cost of living, lower housing costs, and close-knit communities offer a many lifestyle perks, the  limited amenities can be a deterrent. Recruiting expertise for relocation […]

Ensuring Compliance in RSPs and Employee Benefits: A Guide for Canadian Corporations

In today’s complex landscape of employee benefits and Registered Savings Plans (RSPs) compliance, staying on top of the latest Canadian legislation can be a daunting task for companies. As a business leader, you’re likely aware of the high stakes involved in ensuring compliance. The risk of of reputational damage from […]

Remote Work and Payroll Management: Navigating the Challenges in Canada

With an accelerating shift to remote work environments, companies are continually challenged to manage their payroll efficiently and effectively. For Canadian employers, payroll management can become particularly complex when dealing with remote workers both within Canada and abroad. One promising solution many firms have embraced is payroll outsourcing. Here, we […]

Transforming HR with Predictive Analytics: Reducing Hiring Risks, Improving Retention and Boosting Productivity

If you’re an HR manager or a small business owner contemplating maximizing your management of human resources, it’s worth considering predictive analytics. This powerful tool, a blend of technology, statistical methods, and workforce data, gives you the ability to forecast future HR trends and make proactive, strategic decisions. Outsourcing HR Management […]

Business man thinking about payroll image.

7 Statistical Benefits of Payroll Management Services for Canadian SMEs

Quick Facts on Payroll Management for Small to Medium Enterprices Over 50% of Canadian SMEs outsource their payroll management services. [1] Efficient payroll management services can reduce errors in payroll processing by up to 40%.[1] SMEs that outsource payroll management services save an average of 18% on operational costs. [3] […]

Gradual or Flexible Retirement? Is the 20 Hour-Work Week an alternative for Employers Who Want to Retain Retiring Team Members with Valuable Expertise

Retirement is a major life transition that affects both employees and employers. Traditionally, retirement meant leaving the workforce completely and enjoying a leisurely lifestyle. However, in recent years, more and more Canadians are opting for a different approach to retirement: gradual or flexible retirement[1]. Gradual or flexible retirement is a […]

The Majority of Canadian Companies Have the Benefits Their Employees Want: Survey

Benefits  significantly influence employees’ decisions to join, stay, or leave an organization, as well as their level of satisfaction and engagement at work. To remain competitive in 2024 and beyond, HR Managers and employers need to pay close attention to what their employees’ value in terms of benefit offerings. But […]

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