Recruiting Blog

Job Boards vs. Recruiters – Which Will Get You the Best Candidates?

Two well-known ways exist to look for qualified candidates for your company – job boards and recruiters. Companies that have only used job boards may not be aware of the multiple benefits that recruiters can offer them during the hiring process. One of the biggest being the time you can […]

How To Not Get the Job

I am not an English teacher, I am not a professional proof reader, I am however someone who cannot abide typo’s, incorrect grammar or simple sloppiness in a professional document.  Whether you are writing your resume, your website, your blog or an e-mail, whatever you write is a representation of […]

The Global Staffing Shortage – The Incredible Shrinking Workforce

A recent study of nearly 40,000 companies in 41 countries in Q1-2012 shows 34 percent of employers reporting challenges in locating skilled workers to fill current open positions. Looking to the future, this may be just the tip of the iceberg. Forecasters here in Canada expect the pool of available […]

Staffing and Recruitment Agencies Net Positive ROI

The process of adding a new employee is a costly one by itself.  Handling staffing and recruitment evaluations in-house involve spending valuable resources devoted to a process that may be somewhat foreign to company personnel when those resources and time could be spent adding to the bottom line instead.  But […]

Preparing for an Interview: Candidate Checklist

Job interviews are a lot like first dates.  There is only one opportunity to make a good first impression, and awkwardness or a lack of confidence can reflect quite poorly.  That is why preparing for the interview process in advance is essential for any candidate wishing to stand out amidst […]

Expediency is Key to the Recruitment Process

There are many key factors involved in the recruitment process.  But none are more important than that of expediency throughout all phases.  Keeping a focus on those aspects that benefit all parties, both employer and employee, makes for the successful placement of candidates and profitable relationships. The process should be […]

Writing an Effective Job Description

An effective job description provides the foundation for making successful and informed hiring decisions as well as providing the outline for success to prospective employees.  It does this by forcing hiring managers to dive into those pertinent details that are required of future hires as well as the big picture […]

The 3 Interview Questions Every Hiring Manager Must Ask

In my experience a candidate’s answers to the questions listed below is a clear indication of their level of interest and commitment to the position.  A top-tier candidate will prepare for the interview by educating themselves on the position, the company and the industry; so these questions shouldn’t present a […]

Networking Increases Your Chances of Landing a Job

We’re known for providing articles and content on business management from the HR perspective. But our HR Directors and Recruiters also like to share tips and advice for job seekers.  Helping them land a job of their dreams. The following post discusses the importance of networking and how networking increases […]

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