BILL 18 Is Changing the Employment Landscape in Ontario

Recently the Government of Ontario re-introduced legislation to amend various employment-related statutes:  Bill 18, Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act, 2014 (formerly Bill 146 – the Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act, 2013).  Bill 146 “died” on the order paper when the provincial parliament was dissolved but with […]

Inter-Company Transfers (Changes to Program)

In the past, organizations have been able to transfer employees with specialized knowledge to their Canadian entity with minimal resistance. However, the Government of Canada has recently announced significant changes to the Specialized Knowledge stream of the Intra-Company Transfer program. Employees seeking transfer to Canada under this stream will need […]

Don’t Ignore Social Media – Have a Policy!

Social media can be a powerful tool, for good and bad. As an employer, you can give some direction to the positive use of social media and set expectations through a policy. Employers have the right to manage employee conduct that affects the workplace, including the use of social media. […]

Simple Tips to Keep Your Employees Engaged and Motivated!

It doesn’t take a genius to know there’s always room for improvement. In a labour market where employees have the choice to shop around for jobs , it is important to keep your best staff motivated and productive. Employee engagement is a big issue and there’s a lot which can […]

When can an employee take a vacation?

Where a lot of confusion occurs, is if an employer has the power to instruct their employees when they can take vacation. Simply, employers have the final say as to when an employee can go on their vacation. An employer has the right to manage its business as it deems […]

Health & Safety in Ontario: Are your employee’s aware?

On July 1, 2014, a new regulation under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) will come into effect which will require all Employers to provide Health & Safety Awareness training to their employee’s. The regulation outlines what needs to be covered in the training for both workers and supervisors. […]

Growing Businesses Expanding from US to Canada

HR Risk Hot Spots With the residue of the recession finally starting to wash away, 2014 brings about new opportunities for organizational growth. Companies that are successful in their home countries and are looking for growth naturally consider international expansion as the next big step. For US companies looking to […]

Can You Afford to Hire the Wrong Temp Staff?

Many employers tend to overlook a critical aspect when hiring temp staff:  Temporary employees are as important as permanent employees. That’s because temp employees usually perform the same tasks as permanent staff, including interacting with clients, accessing data bases, ordering and receiving merchandise, and so on. If you consider all […]

When Do Temp Workers Have to Be Paid Public Holiday Pay in Ontario?

Even though Bill-139 came into effect December 1, 2008, there is still confusion about Public Holiday Pay requirements for temp workers. In an effort to avoid paying Public Holiday Pay wages to temps, some employers mistakenly cancel work shifts for their temp workers the day immediately before and the day […]

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