HR Management Blog

Second Annual Family Day

Monday February 16, 2009the second annual Family Day statutory holiday will take place in Ontario. Due to the freshness of this holiday compared with established holidays, three issues may arise for employers: Employers may not fully understand their legal obligations in terms of staffing. Employers may opt to “complain” about […]

How Much Resignation Notice is Enough?

While Ontario Employment Standards requires Employers to provide employees with “Reasonable Notice” when terminating the employment relationship “without just cause”, there is no such statutory requirement for Employees to provide Notice should they wish to do the same. Conventional wisdom has – at least up until now – provided that […]


I have to thank Mr. Frank Roche for articulating what REAL HR is all about in his blog on KnowHR titled ”10 Tenets for The New HR“.  For years, I have battled the stigma that is sometimes associated with being an “HR person”…mostly perpetuated by people whose negative opinions of HR are rooted […]

"Management Sucks" – PROFIT Magazine

Our president was quoted in a PROFIT magazine article about employer rating sites.

Benefits of Outsourcing HR in a Recession

Although its generally agreed Canada will weather the economic turmoil centered in the States, companies are still tightening and preparing for the worst.  We have all seen the headlines: companies closing down, having to cut jobs or having to initiate hiring/pay freezes.  At one company we work with, every objective […]

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