
Catching the M&A Wave

A recent article in the December 8th issue of Globe & Mail reports that BMO is seeing a boom in mergers in the coming year.  If you are one of the fortunate Canadian companies predicted to expand your operations or buy out a competitor in 2011, improve your chances of […]

Enabling Workplace Productivity: 4 Concepts to Consider

I recently came across a job ad that said “9 to 5ers need not apply,” and it got me thinking about the idea of workplace productivity. More specifically, it reminded me of how confusing this concept can be, and how many well-intentioned organizations mis-apply it – like the folks who […]

Don't Allow Standard Expectations to be What Sets Employers Apart

If I have heard it once, I have heard it a million times: “We are a good employer because of (insert reason here)”.  “Insert reason here” ends up a generic, yet positive reason to why you, as an applicant, should be baited to pursue a career with the Company. What […]

Do’s and Don’ts of Termination: A Refresher

(Reposted via Keyser Mason Ball, LLP – Most employers appreciate that terminations must be handled sensitively, carefully and with forethought. However, as employment counsel, we often see mistakes or missteps in the termination process by well-meaning employers. Sometimes these mistakes can be overcome with a generous separation package. In […]

Your Inbox Is Not a Productivity Tool

How often does this happen to you?  You receive an email asking everyone on a large list a request for a specific piece of information.  Moments later another email comes in with a reply that is of no importance to you. Think of all the email you receive on any […]

"Settle dust-ups out of court"

In light of Bill 168 and the uncertainty created by the inclusion of harassment as well as violence in the workplace, Levitt has demonstrated that the ability to manage and not be charged with harassment is getting more difficult even before June 15th.

This Social Media Thing

As my maternity leave ended and I prepared to return to work (not that being on maternity leave is a total picnic – nobody spits up on me at work, or emotionally manipulates me into playing “here comes the airplane” at 3am) – I anticipated a lot of change. Indeed, […]

30secondHR: Should I reconsider terminating a pregnant employee?

Download a free white paper written by Pam to go further in-depth on this topic.

Alternatives to the Big Annual Review

Annual performance reviews have gotten a bad rap for one reason or another, yet companies continue to do them.  They feel trapped, thinking its necessary, and because they don’t realize alternatives exist.  Fortunately some really good options do exist.  Lets start with my favorite. TouchBase by Rypple – This comes […]

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